by Stephanie Rowe, Catrin Lucht
I agree with the reviewer who said the author tried too hard to be funny. This book was just so crazy. Although there were some hilarious parts I'll admit that. I did like the main characters a lot and didn't guess the ending as I do with a lot of books. I have the next 2 in the series but not sure ...
This was funny and a quick read.There was so much about this book that had me rolling my eyes in a way that said, “Seriously?”The heroine is a Guardian in charge of keeping the cup of everlasting life, but it’s actually and espresso machine. The hero is this guy that has a curse over him and his oth...
A riot of a read, had me gigglin' to myself throughout the story. Looking forward to Must Love Dragons to read Theresa's story. I love her in book 1 - a tough female turned dragon having constant cybersex with her online love, Zeke. Too funny.