by Elisa Nader
Terrific! Not at all what I expected. Mia has been living for the past few years in Edenton, a small community of people that is 'ruled' by a preacher who has been luring people into his fanatical followers. Edenton is suppose to be a new start, help people and provide a safe sense of security and r...
I would like to thank the author for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Doing so does not sway my opinion in any way.When I first started reading so many different cults and religions popped into my mind; the compound on the HBO series Big Love, Branch Davidians, str...
I received this book for free from Book Nerd Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. My Initial Reaction… Escape from Eden immediately sucked me in and held my attention until the very end. The characters were very well wri...
I just can't and more than that I really don't want to. The writing is not bad and the story though awful at the moment has a lot of potential. I'm just not in the right "head space" to read this right now. *DNF so no rating.
Escape from Eden was a very different young adult dystopian novel. It pushed some boundaries, I thought, and did it quite well. I loved the whole cult/Jim Jones angle. I haven’t seen that topic tackled yet (doesn’t mean it hasn’t been, but I haven’t seen it) and I loved how Ms. Nadar handled it. The...
4-4.5 StarsFirst, thank you to Elisa who sent me a signed copy! Second, I'm so grateful I'm already an atheist. The cult religion presented in this book is so disgusting, yet I only wanted to keep reading. I was so worried in the beginning when Mia was such a weak character, even when speaking out a...
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This is a book the publisher sent to me by surprise, with no requests or pitches beforehand. I had no idea if that would make it bad (that they were so desperate that they didn’t even ask me to review it) or maybe they were just feeling generous (since it was already in my TBR). Either way, I buckle...
Content Screening: Mild Violence Recommended to: Readers who are looking for a haunting read dealing with a cult mindset. First Thoughts: It's true that I'm generally drawn to books that deal with cults. There's something haunting to me about the "hive mind" mentality. Something sinister about th...
This book haunts you for awhile. The main character is Mia, and unlike most of her friends, she remembers a life outside Edenton. She's growing up in a world she hates, but she can't leave it. And life is generally peaceful, so she dreams but doesn't act. But that's until something awful happens, a...