by Jeaniene Frost, Laura Scipioni
3.5 starsFair warning: While set in the Night Huntress World this is not a story about Cat and Bones! (Bones makes an appearance for a sec or two in the beginning and the end, though.)We meet Chance, a vampire sired by Bones, who is helping Isa to find her brother and to prevent her wedding with the...
My Initial Reaction... Happily Never After was a fun, quick read that gave me a bit of the Night Huntress world, without focusing at all on Cat and Bones. I enjoyed it and hope I get to see some of these characters more! The Good... I really loved the characters in Happily Never After. They're dec...
I really liked Chance and Isa, I kind of wished their story was longer. I would have like to get to know chance a bit better and find out if Isa ever becomes a vampire.
4.5/5 starsI really enjoyed reading this short story. It is set in the same universe as the night huntress series (kind of logic since it's a novella from the same series, but still good to know).It however doesn't really involve Cat and Bones. Though Bones does make an appearance in two scenes. Thi...
Here I am continuing with reading short novella's of the Night Huntress World. This one tells the story of Chance. Chance's sire - Bones - asks him to take care of a "small matter" for him, helping out Greta, an old friend of his. Greta is worried her grandchildren - Frazier and Isa - are mixed up w...
Isabella has been blackmailed into marrying a mob boss after her little brother goes missing. Her grandmother just happens to have some connections and calls in a favor to help get her granddaughter out of trouble. Chase, a vampire, is the cavalry sent to stop the wedding and find Isabella's brother...
My favorite of her enovellas!
Cute quick story.