So a bit of a mixed bag, though overall the stories are good and so is the artwork. The book starts with "Gothamazon" by Simone where Wonder Woman steps in to help Gotham while the Bats clan, with the exceptation of Oracle, are down for the count. The story illustrates, quite well, the differences b...
I read the previous one recently as well and found it very interesting, this builds on the previous story (and you probably should read it first) and then adds to it but left me wanting more. I like the green lantern corps.
but on balance I liked it. Hal is quite a cool character and the concept that you are only limited by your imagination is rather interesting. Hal Jordan allows himself to be a scapegoat but he also took a powerful gauntlet that enables him to survive, the cost is high but it might be the only way t...
I don't know that I've read a comic that feels both over stuffed and stale before. There's a lot going on here and you need some knowledge of GL continuity to figure it out. Not a good starting place.
What they aren't really telling you is that this is an much of a Red Lantern book as a GREEN Lantern book. And the Red Lanterns have XPac heat. Run away.