Modern European literature, though not as pretentious as many. Would never consider this a beach read (sorry Oprah).4.5 stars
I should really rate this lower for putting the idea into my addled young head that Bulgaria was an intellectual paradise, to visit or even to live. It's not the view of people from the new Bulgaria, so Ms. Hoffman's analysis of the positive effects of communism on creative life may not have quite d...
this wasn't a book that i could get into. it's well written and actually parts of it should be quite interesting, but somehow it wasn't. i think a lot of it is that she talks about how she had to develop a distance and detachment from things in order to feel she was a part of her new life, her new...
Hoffman's style has an uncommon subtlety. It is compassionate without sentimentality.
I really enjoyed this book--a great read for adolescent females.
A twenty-seven year old woman whines until she volunteers for the camps and comes to know God.