DFN a 23%¿Quiero saber porqué el protagonista viaja al pasado para decirse a si mismo que no debe casarse con Q? Sí.¿Tengo tantas ganas de saber como para soportar seguir leyendo? No.Terrible escritura. Algunos dicen que es una comedia, y no estoy segura, porque aunque los diálogos son ingeniosos -d...
About halfway through now. I'm not sure I can finish. It's not a one-star book--which is to say that the writing is not so bad it makes my eyes bleed--but the characters are neither likable nor complex and I can't bring myself to care what happens to them. In fact, I hope they break up! Not just...
I liked this a lot, but I didn't love it. Perhaps because I felt the whole thing to be a cerebral exercise rather than it having much heart. (Luckily, I like cerebral books, much as I like movies where people talk a lot..)This is a story of a young man who falls in love with the 'Q' of the title .....
I liked this a lot, but I didn't love it. Perhaps because I felt the whole thing to be a cerebral exercise rather than it having much heart. (Luckily, I like cerebral books, much as I like movies where people talk a lot..)This is a story of a young man who falls in love with the 'Q' of the title .....
Often I can't get past self-indulgence in writing, and this is a self-indulgent book. But it was also original and charming, and I really enjoyed it. I would do more like 3.5 stars if the site let me. My feelings for this book were somewhere in between like and love, but close enough to love to roun...
This book started out strong, but became a bit redundant in the middle. I don't mind when books slow down in the middle, if the ending makes it worth it. This one does not. It was predictable and not very satisfying.
With the novel's opening chapter, I found two things: enchanting sweetness and overly quirky forays that ran a bit too long. I immediately loved Q as much as our unnamed narrator did; their very cute courtship charmed me. But just as I started to get seriously excited for the story, Mandery temper...
Clever, witty and hilarious. I haven't read something quite so entertaining in awhile. The book did slow down towards the end which was a bit disappointing but still kept it's charm.
I just couldn't get into this. I could tell it was meant to be funny. The author was clearly inspired by Douglas Adams and inserted several non-sequiters that were almost, but not quite, completely unlike Adams'. I found myself more annoyed by the side-tracks than entertained. I think if I had mo...