Title: Hunted Series: Brides of the Kindred #2 Author: Evangeline Anderson Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Publisher: E. A. Publishing Release Date: April 29th 2011 Format: eBook Pages: 594 Source: Bought A desperate girl on the run with nowhere to hide... A warrior who has made a vow neve...
Title: Claimed Series: Brides of the Kindred #1 Author: Evangeline Anderson Genre: Erotic Science Fiction Romance Publisher: E.A. Publishing Release Date: January 23rd 2018 Format: eBook Pages: 327 Source: Freebie Brides of the Kindred Book One—Claimed Olivia Waterhouse has just graduated fr...
*Trigger warning: [spoiler] This novel mentions and goes into detail about cutting. [/spoiler] * This book was a journey that started out frustrating and ended with a bang! I'm so glad I pushed through because I would have missed out on a fantastic story. Megan had a not so great life af...
Alone and destitute in the worse shithole in the universe, Charlie and her brother try to make ends meet after losing all of their fortune. After giving up her life of excess and a marriage she was about enter, everything goes up in smoke and Charlie is forced to take a waitress job. Most of the ...
Kaitlyn is a witch and an S.E. (Special Enforcer) in charge of the paranormal cases in her area. When a local vampire, Summer, kills an innocent man and is captured on tape, it seems an open and shut case to bring him down. But the simple case turns complicated as there's a witch serial killer on...
After her parents' deaths Gisella is on her way to a convent, but her greedy uncle has deviant plans for her. He sells her to a life of prostitution where Gisella must quickly act on her feet and find a way to repay the debt her uncle owes the establishment she was sold to. When she's sent to a c...
Just when things were getting good, this short book ended and whetted my appetite for more! Tabitha is a Sergeant and the youngest officer in her space crew. She got lucky in her last case, something her new Captain, Keer, can't seem to get past. Keer keeps her at arms length, not just because of...
This is supposed to be the first novella out of three that were supposed to be released in the span of four weeks time but for the life of me I cannot seem to find others from this series but this one so I will only review what I have on my Kindle and what I was able to read. This novella is a con...
'Stone Cold Fox' by Evangeline Anderson is Book Three in the "Cougarville" series. I have read the other books in this series bu feel this is easily a standalone book. This is the story of Jo Ferrel and Reese Cooper. Jo is a witch that her and her fellow witches only practice White Magic. Unknown to...
Welcome back to Cougarville! Stone Cold Fox is the story of Reese (the fox shifter/auto mechanic) and Jo, the Juvie/Wiccan. This series is a bit strange but I totally love it!Jo is a Wiccan practitioner who was kicked out of her coven because they thought she was using dark magic to appear younger. ...
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