This is another tragic, roller coaster ride of emotion and drama, drama and drama.For the past ten years, all Emilyn did was exist, she didn’t live - Ever since Finley left her during their High school graduation. But after slowly picking up parts of her life she met Weston fucktard! Yes, I really w...
Oh, woe is me! This book just had too much trauma drama for me. I'd list some of them if I wasn't so tired from reading this. Plus, the h's BF takes a lot of energy out of you too. I think I'd like it a lot better if the author would tone down the trauma & the snark.
Loved it! It's live... So excited to read this! Sounds good.
Great book. A little dramatic, but still amazing. Gosh, Finn
Why? It's NA but older... and if possible dumber