by Wendy Mass
[b:Stargirl|22232|Stargirl (Stargirl, #1)|Jerry Spinelli||963221]There's a Melanie again!I hate the divorce part. Why can't anyone married stay together in novels these days? They should set the standard of what it means to be married, which is basi...
This is a good story of friendship and self-discovery. Three teens were unexpectedly changed as circumstances led them to Moon Shadow campground, the best place to view this year's eclipse. Ally have lived here all her life and couldn't ask for more. How will she handle it when she finds out they a...
So here's the thing about books written for kids - sometimes they treat kids like they are stupid. Or ... if not stupid, just lesser, less than. They're too broad: They give you that same uncomfortable feeling that your Dad's jokey best friend always gave you - you knew he was trying to be funny, ...
Loved this book - funny and heartwarming - perfect for that inner geek in all of us.