by David Foster Wallace, Neal Stephenson
It is about the mathematical concept of infinity, and it is good in a way for you to know how human struggled with it for hundreds of years, and with the domination of Aristotle, and the spread of horrible religion Christianity, it wasn't realized for a long time.Cantor. Anti-Plato. Constructivism, ...
I'm on page 109, and I think that's where I'll stop. It's not that I haven't enjoyed it, I have. In fact it's quite soothing to try to see how many layers of abstraction you can hold in your mind at once. However, I only seem to be able to read 2-5 pages at a time before the soothingness of it puts ...
Everything and More was a strange book. Strange in its ambitions (to provide a brief history of infinity up to and including Georg Cantor), strange in its writing style (David Foster Wallace isn't exactly the Hemingway of the 21st century), strange in its prerequisites (i.e., the book seems to be de...