by Simon Van Booy
This is Van Booy's first novel after two excellent short story collections. While it starts strong, a daring change in the plot (no spoilers here!) fails to carry the momentum and the books disintegrates about 3/4 of the way through. Van Booy is a rare writer who seems to have hope for humanity, des...
This book had two rare distinctions for me: 1. only fiction book in which I highlighted lots passages that really struck me; 2. only book I have disliked in the middle only to find out that all the uncomfortable stuff was necessary to a good ending.The book begins a little like a French novel, or Tr...
Another staggeringly delicious read, another review where I'm fumbling for the words to express how much I loved this book.In terms of plot, there's not much, technically: three young ex-pats meet in Athens, each hiding from a secret, hungry to loved. At the start, I was briefly apprehensive this w...
Two men, George and Henry, meet by accident on the streets of Athens. Both men are in Greece to study the ancient – George to learn ancient languages, and Henry to aide in an archaeological dig. They share something else as well: George has recently had his heartbroken by Rebecca, the very same woma...
More like 3.5. Review to come.