by Iain M. Banks, Manuel Mata Álvarez-Santullano, Mark Salwowski
Series: Culture #5 This was another audiobook reread and a revisiting of my first Culture book (I know it's fifth in the series, but I started reading them out of order), and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The narrator was quite good, so I may consider audio versions of Banks in the future, although I'm...
First read in June 2013Re-read in January 2015 - moved increased rating to 4.5 stars
There’s not much more I can say about this book. It’s a shame; The Player of Games is one of my favourite novels, and The Use of Weapon is a brilliant piece of intelligent writing. Excession however, is dull. The characters are flat and the plot doesn’t go anywhere. It’s also arrogant, which conside...
Not my favourite. Love the storyline but couldn't really keep track of all the ships and conspiracies. I'm not sure I ever did get it straight even though I went back through the book scribbling flow charts and names all over the place. But still enjoyable.
The Culture series is one of the most beloved among today's sf readers, possibly the most beloved but I don't have any hard figures to back it up so I'll leave that hyperbole out for now. Certainly some entries in the series are more popular than others, based on the average ratings and online discu...
ATTENTION CULTURE SHOPPERSthis weekend's special is an Outside Context Problem! this amazing special is so unique, most shoppers will only encounter it once - in a millenium! please look for the infinity symbol tagged on our specially-marked OCP items.on aisle 1, back by popular demand, we are excit...
So I found this on the shelf the other day and wondered why it had no creases on the spine...turns out I hadn't read it yet! But now I have, and I'm here to tell you that Excession is a most excellent Culture novel. I've always been fascinated by Banks's Minds, and this time we are introduced to LOT...
This is one of Banks' ‘Culture' novels, set in his far-future universe of sentient ships and interstellar civilizations.It's just about as opposite to his book "Inversions" where there is barely a clue that it is a "Culture" novel. In this novel, the complex, far-reaching background almost overwhelm...
I love this book, but I can't explain why without seriously spoiling the first 3/4 of it. It's a space opera. A major character is a pregnant lady. The protagonist is kind of a dick who's dream is becoming part of a species dedicated to war and oppression. What's not to like?
/1324089739734 SILLYINTRO 289534953457 MOREOFTHISTHANYOUNEED 826563495 ANOTHERRANDOMDIGITSEQUENCE 290735723 OHPLEASEGETTOTHEPOINT/- Hello? This is Kinda Disappointed, do you read me?- Hello Disappointed, this is Still Plenty of Good Bits. I'm another superintelligent AI entity...- Well of course you...