by Alden Bell
I loved the first book in this series ('The Reaper's are the Angels') so much, I thought it was wonderful. Great book! I was sad at the end though as it seemed to indicate that it was destined to be a stand-alone novel. It didn't seem to leave any openings for further books.When I saw that there was...
I just fall for Alden Bell's writing. His way with words, his descriptions of landscapes, his morally grey characters - it just strikes a chord with me.I loved the depiction of Moses in [b:The Reapers are the Angels|8051458|The Reapers Are the Angels (Reapers, #1)|Alden Bell|
What!!! I didn't know this was being released. What?? Must get my hands on it NOW!!!! I got my hands on it!! Yay I really enjoyed it. A perfect zombie read. I love the way it is written. It makes me want to re read the first one again.
3.5 starsOk, first of all what the hell is up with that cover? In what world is Moses Todd supposed to look like a refugee from a paranormal romance series airing on the CW? Not in mine, that’s for sure.Alright, now that that’s off my chest we can continue. What we have here is the sequel/prequel to...
What some mysteries reveal are truths so mundane they blast wide our own ludicrous vanities.Moses Todd is many things. In Reapers I had him pegged as warrior with a code, seeking balance in a way he knew. Here he is that, but more too: from on-and-off violent man to accidental philosopher, a man of...
Even though I knew full well that a sequel to [b:The Reapers Are the Angels|8051458|The Reapers Are the Angels (Reapers, #1)|Alden Bell||12707063] was bound and determined to disappoint a mite, I freaked out anyway and ordered a copy from England. ...
Alden Bell has a way of creating a haunting other-worldly atmosphere. Once again, I found myself completely drawn into his post-apocalyptic zombie setting. A virus turns the newly dead into zombies. They are constantly replenished as soon as someone dies. Here, the zombies are just background noise...