by Susan Andersen
2.5 star read
(Deutsche Kritik weiter unten.) Let me start my review off by saying that when I bought this book, I had no specific expectations - I'd never read anything by this author before. The blurb promised a nice thriller with a healthy dose of romance, but the book left me vaguely disappointed and even a b...
I love Emma, Elvis and Grace. Love. The stalker plot is kind of overplayed, but I skim those parts when I reread and focus on the romance. Which I love.
Rating 3.5 starsI enjoyed the book, the heroine was a pretty fiery character and I loved her adorable daughter and the mischief she could get into. The heroine is on the run ever since she found out that her father like figure in her life has been keeping tabs on her, creepily and may have killed he...