by Marjorie M. Liu
Another fine read, this time we are introduced to Iris, a shapeshifter who is working as part of a trained animal act for a small circus. The detail of the life of those who are in fact living this way is skillfully blended with the story. Bring in a hunky hero of an electropath..a man who can cont...
"Blue" Perrineau was different. Dirk & Steele had her in their sights and were keeping her safe. However her abilities are making her a target of people who want her for her ability to heal. It's pretty predictable and occasionally quite interesting. It's not a bad read.
"Blue" Perrineau was different. Dirk & Steele had her in their sights and were keeping her safe. However her abilities are making her a target of people who want her for her ability to heal. It's pretty predictable and occasionally quite interesting. It's not a bad read.
I'm really enjoying this paranormal romance series...the Dirk & Steele members and their adventures are quick-paced and the relationships of those in previous novels keep intertwining with those in the current, which makes it even better as it feels like you're getting to know everyone in the family...
Not as much humor in this entry. Still V. good.
Blue finds himself chasing after a human trafficker (in ever sense of the word). Once again, I found Liu's story to be interesting/ The characters pull you in, and the suspense keeps you reading.
This one was more over the top, and therefore, a little less enjoyable. The bad guys were completely heinous, and shadowy crime syndicates and alternate psychic organizations are so pervasive they're benumbing.
Shifters in Vegas. This basically explains it all. Now I know why Vegas is so freaky. In this latest installment we learn more about this world and the forces against it. Interesting and I want to read more about this series.