Title: Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy) Author: J.M. Barrie Original Published Date: 1911 Pages: 260 Edition Language: English Format: Ebook Category: Children's, Classic, Fantasy, Review: I do not think there will be any need of a summary. It is the tale we all know, thanks to Walt Disney Studios, ab...
Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento; La culpa es de Disney. De muchas formas la influencia de la película y la cultura pop que está alrededor de Peter Pan, estropeó mi lectura. Comentándolo en Facebook, al parecer no soy la única que esperaba alguna cosa más o diferente del libro. ...
“All children, except one, grow up.” Thus begins the most classic piece of children's literature of all-time. Written with such delicate embellishments the language is a wonder in itself, and you will find yourself sighing with delight at the stunning metaphors and fanciful explanations. The story i...