Fabio Celoni
Birth date: September 23, 1971
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The story is almost tolerable in this abbreviated state, but just almost. The two star rating is to acknowledge the artist, otherwise it would be one star like its novel counterpart.Nevermind, I can't do it...this gets one star too. I think raising it to two stars would take a lot more than some pre...
This was my first experience of a graphic novel. I was at my local library this afternoon and saw this on the shelf, thought I'd give it a try and I wasn't disappointed! I haven't read the novel, so this is my first experience of the story. It was heartbreaking, political, thought provoking and u...
الكتاب جميل فعلا ،، لم أتصور أن يكون معبرا هكذا ،،، فكيف يتم اختصار كتاب تكمن أهميته فى تفاصيله فى صفحات قليلة و اختزال صفحات و صفحات من الوصف الباهر فى مجرد رسوم و مربعات حوار!! أولا الألوان: جاءت شبه قاتمة معبرة عن الجو النفسي للكتاب.ثانيا: اختيار أقل الكلمات لتتسع لها بالونة الحوار ،، و لا يصل لك...
I loved, loved, loved the artwork. The lovely colours did justice to an equally mosaic novel. Both are equally beautiful and magnificent.
I haven’t read The Kite Runner novel, so I don’t know how this graphic novel fares in comparison. I do have the novel on my bookshelf waiting to be read, and I can honestly say that after reading this fantastic graphic novel that I will be picking up the book by Khaled Hosseini.I’ll start by saying ...