by Rufus Beck, Ray Bradbury
I remember reading Fahrenheit 451 for the first time when I was somewhere between 14 and 16 years old. Back then it didn’t strike me as special and I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about, because I was way too young to understand about passions and convictions you’d stand for with your life...
I once started reading this Book back while I was in College, but had to give it back to our School Library before I was even a quarter through because of lack of time.This Book should be read by everyone, most of all the "Big Brother" target audience & Justine Bieber/Lady Gaga/etc. fans. In my opin...
In Fahrenheit 451 wird eine Gesellschaft beschrieben, in der Bücher sowie deren Besitz und das Lesen verboten sind. Ablenkung erfahren die Menschen durch Drogen, interaktives Fernsehen und Autorennen. Politische Geschehnisse, wie den nahenden Krieg, blenden sie fast völlig aus bzw. nehmen sie nicht ...