Fallen Into the Pit
Ellis Peters (author)
9780356194868 (0356194868)
Edition language: English
Series: Felse 0 (#1)
Rating: 3.25* of five Not precisely as expected. The first murder, one which I'd been *panting* after happening since the instant I met the Kraut Eddie Haskell character who is, disappointingly, not boiled in oil after being flayed alive and rolled in finely ground salt, was but the first salvo in...
The small village of Comerford is trying to come to terms with the end of the war and integrating the returning men back into the lives they left when it is rocked by a murder. Much darker than the Cadfael series but well plotted with interesting characters (including a couple of youngsters who are...
The first of the George Felse mysteries (my favorite Peters–I’ve never taken to Cadfael). A kind of sad and uneasy story. Beautifully written—I especially like Chad. And, of course, Dominic. Bunty and George don’t get quite as developed as in later books. [June 2010]