by William Hjortsberg, Ridley Scott, James Crumley
This book was recommended to me on a bookmark called "50 of the best horror novels" and it is technically incorrect as I would not refer to it as horror more crime noir with grizzly undertones. It's the story of Harry Angel, tough New York PI, and his search for Johnny Favorite one time crooner who ...
Harry Angel is a private detective, hired by a mysterious client to find singer, Johnny Favourite. His investigations soon point to a man who was heavily involved in black magic, finding him will be difficult enough without all of Harry's leads turning up dead as one by one they are taken out.I've s...
Who wouldn’t love a supernatural crime noir tale set in the 50’s with voodoo, satanic cults, brutal murders and a hard-boiled detective named Harry Angel. I can see why this one is considered a classic...because it is. Highly Recommended.
(Note the first: this is in response to a discussion group, hence the heavy discussion of Maggie Krusemark.)(Note the second: part of the reason I'm cribbing my response rather than writing a fresh review is that I am down with a bad cold. I may have missed details.)I'm going to call this one a fun...
If you like your horror laced with more than a little private dick noir then Falling Angel is the novel for you. Sucker private eye Harry Angel should have brushed up on his basic satanist symbolism as his "client" Louis Cypher (get it?) has him trying to find out if missing vegetable crooner Johnn...
I wish I had read this book before seeing the movie "Angel Heart". But, as it has been over 20 years since I have seen the movie, I had forgotten most of the details (except a pretty steamy sex scene with Lisa Bonet (We're not in "Cosby" anymore, Theo! WOW!)). And of course, I remembered the ending....
First and foremost, this is a nifty detective novel in the tradition of Hammett and Chandler. But Hjortsberg has an ace up his sleeve that changes the rules. He certainly leaves lots of hints that this is more than just another detective novel. Anyone who has seen Angel Heart, the film based on Fall...
If a mystery gets mixed with the occult or the supernatural, the result is often disastrous for the 'willing suspension of disbelief'. Falling Angel is an exception to the rule.Struggling private investigator Harry Angel is hired by a foreign client, Louis Cyphre, to find Johnny Favorite, a crooner ...
This is the book that the movie 'Angel Heart' was based on. Now, I liked Angel Heart a lot when it came out - but that was quite a while ago. So I didn't remember all the details - but I did keep thinking the story sounded really familiar. (Like, I couldn't understand why the reviews/blurbs all said...