by Lisa Henry
Sigh… Just everything I read of Lisa Henry’s is amazing. Whether it’s dark or romantic. It always touches my heart.This short story was no exception…“He’d never known it could be like that. Never before found that place where sex was something more, something larger than the act. Where it became ab...
Short and full of angst. Not really enough of a story for me. There's a lot of potential, but it was much too complicated for few pages. Jason mopes around trying to figure out what he needs and is willing to talk with Ben about. And then it's over.
3.5 stars
I loved every single word, every single emotion until the last page or so. Then it felt a bit rushed and awkward. Like maybe it needed 3 or 4 more sentences. This was my favorite of the series so far.
The perfect story to go with my morning cereal.
Something about the ending or rather something about Ben in the end didn't quite work for me - 3.5 stars. Adding another half star just because the story was not saturated with sex scenes. 4 stars total :)