by Eli Easton
...and I was really left in a quandary that first time around because I was so sure I was going to love this and it ended up just being ok…in the end after considering what I liked or loved about the story I was just confused why things didn’t resonate with me more, but it didn’t, so when I was pres...
Have you ever read a book that strikes you as beautiful? Well FALLING DOWN was beautiful to me. The lines that were written through Josh's eyes caught me by the heart. Mark was well written but Josh's anguish was so real and honest. The whole story left me tearing up on a city bus. Once again Eli Ea...
‘Because when you didn’t have home something thirsty inside you shriveled up and died a little more every day. The tether that connected you to the earth wore a little more thin.’ Oh wow. This book just grabbed my heart and ran with it. Josh has been dealt such a lousy hand by life I just wanted t...
Pre-read thoughts: Holy crap, that blurb. This is gonna hurt, innit? Review: Holy crap, that hurt. My poor heart! Trigger warnings: PTSD, suicidal thoughts, depression Homeless and orphaned at barely 18, Josh has only one goal - get to New England for the Fall to watch the leaves change co...
I have to admit even I think this one's a case of it's me. I was all set to love this story. It had the makings of one that would take me apart and then put me back together again and I'm truthfully not sure why it didn't happen that way. Josh tugged at my heartstrings and I felt for him. Losing h...
DNF at 46%I'm so sorry, but I’m just not feeling it.Eli Easton is always hit or miss for me. And this just couldn't keep my attention. I felt no connection to either Mark or Josh, so I decided to throw in the towel.(And I'm still surprised at the fact that Eli Easton decided to make Josh vegan. Seri...
Nice read. I like that readers got a feel for the mental state of Josh and Mark. I haven't read many books with MC who was grieving so hard. Loved that the difficulties of grieving and what effects there were was highlighted throughout the story.I was a little put off by Josh's sensitivity and him n...