Fana!: I am the 'Mother of Struggle'.
I approve. Mouin prepared himself very well for his attack. He said he had inspected his target and photographed as much he could. He was very smart child! He trained with a group of six brave martyrs. Together they prepared and trained for their attack in Tel-Aviv for ten, eleven days. On the...
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I approve. Mouin prepared himself very well for his attack. He said he had inspected his target and photographed as much he could. He was very smart child! He trained with a group of six brave martyrs. Together they prepared and trained for their attack in Tel-Aviv for ten, eleven days. On the eve of the assault on the Jews in Tel-Aviv he, my living martyr, Mouin, came home for dinner. I fixed him kebab and cucumber salad. He liked. He said he inspected building and was prepared to avenge the killing of his father by the Isreali Defense Force. And for the occupation of his land and the imprisonment of his people behind barbed wire fences, gates and walls. He said he would destroy the building, which contains what the Isreali have acquired at the expense of the
Palestinians. (Passionately and loudly.) I told him,
“Don’t think twice. Allah seeks revenge! You seek revenge! Your sister is also a living martyr! She seeks revenge! She will follow you!
As he disappears, there is a lo
The theatre curtain is closed. At ‘theatre auditorium lights out’ the theatre will be dark for two or three seconds. The beam of a flashlight light follows a man down the aisle along the right wall of the theatre auditorium. The light follows him as he is running up onto the stage and disappears behind the dark curtain. A guard, armed with an M-16 rifle, yells out to him. The guard fires a burst from his rifle. The guard follows the man behind the curtain. ud explosion accompanied by a bright flash of light. There are the sounds of ceilings collapsing and the sounds of falling debris. The curtain at lights up will reveal the scene. (Two seconds later, the low light (blue and/or red emergency lights) on the set reveals a quiet stage filled with smoke (fog). As the smoke disperses, the devastation is revealed. Fallen beams crisscross the set. Bodies are crushed and broken by the debris. Two seconds later, from the floors above the theatre there is a sequences of four explosions, two seconds apart, each is heard further away from the other. There is silence until a lone voice center stage cries out in pain. Debris continues to fall into and on the stage as the guard pushes the debris away. The guard pulls himself to his knees. He searches for his rifle and flashlight. Not finding his flashlight, he searches for his rifle, finds it, picks it up, tries to load it but discovers that it is jammed.
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