I finally got around to read the Fifty Shades parody ‘Fifty Shames of Earl Grey' by Fanny Merkin (I admit I'm too lazy to look up his actual name right now).Yes, I know there are probably more parodies of the fifty shades book out there than there are blogs about how bad Twilight is but bear with me...
Ladies – forget Christian Grey, prepare to meet Earl Grey!!Earl is the 27yo multi-billionaire CEO of The Earl Grey Corporation and “HOLY MOTHER EFFING SPARKLY VAMPIRES IS HE HOT”. His life is a daily struggle with his Fifty Shames, but who can resist a man in a shiny silver g-string and hot pink Cr...
Have you ever seen the preview for a movie which made you so excited to see it, only to find out when you watched the actual movie that the best parts were already shown in the preview? This is how I felt about Fifty Shames of Earl Grey. The 3 chapter sneak peak was extremely funny. Unfortunately, t...