by Ethan Gilsdorf
There’s a moment when the author hesitates before he opens up a box he finds in his parents’ house. A box containing all of his D&D books, maps and dice. A moment, twenty years after they had been stowed away, in which he reflects whether he wants to reopen the obsession of living in fantasy worl...
Former D&D player from the 1970s and 80s checks out the SCA (a week at Pennsic War), LARP, World of Warcraft (WOW), DragonCon, RenFaire, Tolkien tours, etc. to try to understand those who spend their free time in imaginary worlds. I was in the SCA for 20+ years and went to Pennsic 5 times; he did a ...
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a geek. A total, Magic/D&D/Pathfinder playing, Doctor Who/Star Trek/anime watching, fantasy/scifi/manga reading, geek. I've never been to a convention, but I go to the Renaissance Festival* every year, and the bookcases in my den/office are covered in dragon statues.**So not...
Former gamer evaluates the state of gaming today, with anecdotes. Covers the broad spectrum of pen and paper to computer to live action and SCA.I enjoyed the anecdotes, but felt there was a better story in here waiting to get out. By the end of the book, it was still imprisoned.
A tad disappointing. Based on the title I was hoping for a humorous sort of anthropological look at gamers and fantasy fans, maybe along the lines of the look at Civil War reenactors in Horwitz's Confederates in the Attic. The book is more an account of the author's midlife crisis and his attempt ...
Being a committed roleplayer when I saw this book (on sale at a bankrupt Borders Books) I purchased it and put it near the top of my reading list. I was a little disappointed though because even though it is a study of fantasy and gaming culture, it was quite subjective for my tastes and there was a...
Interesting enough but the errors about WoW drove me crazy. Human hunters? WTF!