The Rise of the Dawnstar Farah Oomerbhoy(The Avalonia Chronicles #2)Publication date: April 24th 2017Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Aurora Firedrake returns in the spellbinding sequel to The Last of the Firedrakes. The seven kingdoms of Avalonia are crumbling and evil is spreading across the land lik...
At first I wasn't sure about this book I really didn't know how I was going to feel about this book, but it turned out to be a pretty good start of a series. Usually in books I wind up liking the guys more but in this one I like Rory more and I am not sure about Rafe yet, especially with what his si...
In The Last of the Firedrakes Aurora spent her time getting to her father’s family and her ancestors on her father’s side. Aurora met her Granduncle, Aunt and Cousin. Aurora leant that she was a fae-mage and that the Queen and her men were after Aurora and wanted her dead. Queen Morgana is afraid th...
Aurora Darlington has lived with her adopted Aunt and Uncle since the death of adopted parents. Aurora has always known that she was adopted and has always wondered who her real parents were and who she is never expecting to ever find out. Until the day she is betrayed by her adopted Uncle sells her...
Aurora has had a rough 16 years. She lost her parents tragically when she was a baby, than her foster parents just a few years ago. Now she has to stay with her aunt, uncle and horrible cousin. How can it possible get worse. Maybe being kidnapped by a queen that wants you dead. Aurora is transported...
**An copy of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**How? HOW does this have such high ratings and favorable reviews? 'Cos this was so bad, you guys. Oh, I should have DNFed. There's an hour of my life I won't be getting back. It started out, not promi...
I received a free copy of this book from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.I loved this book! I'm usually not into stories with magical beings, and there are very few I can remember liking. This is definitely one of them!The story is well-written. However, at times the vo...