by Linda Robertson
The author has kept the action moving right along in her third book in this series! With one death among her allies and losing parts of her soul, the main character just keeps forging ahead. She has faith in her Goddess, Hecate, like the Pope has faith in God. Totally unshakable. This allows her to ...
Need to say this first... this series keeps on getting better. I think I've enjoyed this book most of all. I will also have to say that there were times when I thought Persephone was being manipulated again, but really in a much smaller way. However, even though it felt like that at times, it really...
Witches, weres, and vamps are a good combination. Plenty of arguing and finger pointing going around. Then Robertson decides to add another element to the mix, the fairies have declaired war! Fatal Circle, book three in the Persephone Alcmedi series steps up the action!Menessos actually did somethin...
Oh, Persephone. Nothing you do will ever be enough to keep the peace, will it? Especially when there’s a crazed fairy leader who’s just itching for a fight. When Seph, Xerxandrea, and Menessos come up with a plan to protect Seph — and Menessos — Seph knows it’s going to leave a lot of people ticked ...
And another series goes down the tube. I'll miss yeah Seph. But only the first two books.
Fatal Circle, the 3rd installment of the Persephone Alcmedi series, picks up immediately after the events of Hallowed Circle (December 2009). Over the course of the past two books, Vicious Circle, and Hallowed Circle, Persephone has come a very long way from her solidarity witching days, and writing...
The saving grace for this book is the second half. Outside of that I really did not care for it. Perhaps it was because the beginning of the book kept confusing me thus it was hard for me to get into. This book took me two weeks to read while the others I read in an afternoon! I mean I had to really...