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Fathers & Children - Community Reviews back

by Ivan Turgenev, Constance Garnett, Patrick Waddington
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philoSophie rated it 10 years ago
Turgenev's [b:Fathers and Sons|2924651|Fathers and Sons|Ivan Turgenev|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348445045s/2924651.jpg|1294426] mainly deals with the subject of different ideologies and the struggle to remain true to our beliefs. Simultaneously, the plot is full of characteristics that express ...
Dog-Eared Pages
Dog-Eared Pages rated it 11 years ago
Sometimes a work is so much a product of its times that, for all its genius, it no longer translates beyond those times. I’ve read many works that are full of incredible satire, insight, and profound art, yet would be virtually meaningless to a modern reader. I think specifically of a great work lik...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it 12 years ago
This book is about the generational gap between a generation that is either reactionary or liberal in the case of the older generation, or endorsing more radical ideas in the case of the younger generation. Apparently, the book set of a firestorm of controversy.I was a little disappointed in the bo...
The Meilairean Reviews
The Meilairean Reviews rated it 12 years ago
nggak tahu kenapa, saya hampir selalu nyaman banget baca sastra russia. termasuk buku ini. jujur saja saya berburu buku ini gara-gara konon katanya mas gino suka buku ini. jieh banget, dari judulnya sih kayaknya ada hubungannya sama cerita sidoy yang gak pernah akur sama bapaknya. gak taunya gak ada...
Edward rated it 13 years ago
ChronologyIntroductionFurther ReadingTranslator's Note--Fathers and SonsNotes
Edward rated it 13 years ago
ChronologyIntroductionFurther ReadingTranslator's Note--Fathers and SonsNotes
carey rated it 14 years ago
My favourite Russian novel of all.
Kalliope Muse speaks to me
Kalliope Muse speaks to me rated it 14 years ago
This is not a review.But today there have been many exchanges on several of the reviews on this book at GR, and I just found this link to an essay by Henry James on Turgenev, and I did not know where to hang it.http://www.eldritchpress.org/ist/hjames1.htm
Books by the Lake
Books by the Lake rated it 15 years ago
A fascinating novel, not only for its portrayal of the ideas of the time, but especially for its vivid characters: the protagonist, but also others.
Lavinia rated it 16 years ago
Mult mai interesanta decit "Un cuib de nobili". Habar n-aveam ca e considerata cea mai buna lucrare a lui Turgheniev si primul roman modern rusesc.Evident, cum bine reiese si din titlu ("Parinti si copii" in romana) trateaza relatiile si diferentele dintre parinti si copii pe de o parte, si vechiul ...
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