Fawn M. Brodie
Birth date: September 15, 1915
Died: January 10, 1981
Fawn M. Brodie's Books
Given my usual taste for actors' biographies, you could be forgiven a momentary confusion. This is not a biography of that Richard Burton, but rather of Sir Richard Francis Burton, 19th-century explorer, adventurer, extraordinary linguist and translator, and decidedly an enigmatic character. The two...
In this age of celebrity worship, it might be time to revisit some of America's forgotten heroes. Thaddeus Stevens was an abolitionist before it became popular. An impeccably honest man, he earned a modest fortune by saving and investing. Once, passing the auction of a widow's homestead (she had bee...
A monumental publication but quite obvious that she had a bone to pick and extremely poor caliber of academic rigor, but did set the stage for future studies, Rough Stone Rolling is the most balanced and accurate in my opinion.