In Fearless, the sequel to 2006's Dauntless, legendary war hero Captain John "Black Jack" Geary is once again faced with a seemingly hopeless situation. Recently rescued from an escape pod found floating in space after nearly a century in suspended animation, Geary is desperately trying to find a...
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In Fearless, the sequel to 2006's Dauntless, legendary war hero Captain John "Black Jack" Geary is once again faced with a seemingly hopeless situation. Recently rescued from an escape pod found floating in space after nearly a century in suspended animation, Geary is desperately trying to find a way to bring what's left of the Alliance fleet back home.
In his possession is a device acquired from an enemy starship that could end the war forever. But with the entire military force of the Syndicate Worlds hot on his trail, Geary is up against impossible odds -- especially when he frees a labor camp of Alliance POWs and rescues an egomaniacal captain whose irrational machismo could doom the entire fleet…
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