An interesting and engaging fanfic. Actor Jensen was badly bullied as a teenager and it has severely affected his self image. When he lands the part of Dean in Supernatural, he finds solace in his friendship with fellow actor Jared Padalecki.
5 stars. A sweet high school fanfic in which almost sixteen year old Jared has a crush on nineteen year old Jensen. Told from klutzy Jared's pov with humour and angst.'Jensen nodded and Jared swung back on his bike, somehow managing to smile and wave and ride his bike all at once without crashing. B...
An entertaining humourous fanfic in which clumsy giant Jared gets a job in a daycare centre where he terrifies the toddlers and falls for single father Jensen. Ended too soon.
3.5 stars. This well-written fanfic from the reliable Felisblanco is loosely based on the movie Aladdin. Jared is the street rat and Jensen the princess, no I joke, he's the son of wealthy parents. There are bad guys and good guys and fortunes but sadly no genie!
“Awesome. Dude.”I promised a sweet if it was good, and you know what? It deserves the whole store!Because I’ve found a treasure in this book!You have no idea how I want a paperback of this!I’m so happy I read this book!My dear, you know it is free? You know I had to pay more than 15 euros for some c...