For Amichai and the rest of his world, it isn't this life that matters, but the Upterlife. In Steinmetz' near-future portrayal, the world has been transformed by a technology that uploads the minds of the dead into an eternal afterlife of quests and games and challenges and happiness. The living--th...
Fix ('Mancer #3) by Ferrett Steinmetz I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ferrett Steinmetz's Flex series is one of the most imaginative and unique urban fantasies I've encountered. The trilogy takes place in a world where passionate, obsessive belief actually has the ability to warp realit...
The Flux ('Mancer #2) by Ferrett Steinmetz TL;DR: If you're looking for some truly original urban fantasy, particularly if you're a gamer, you need to try this series. The Flux was good I read it twice. It is the sequel to the equally awesome Flex, which you should probably read first. (I adored t...
My latest at B&N SciFi. Short version: a novel magical system based on our most obsessive impulses, with characters that are themselves unusual, not because they're stupendous badasses, but the opposite. Very fun book.
Freelance 'mancers are feared and reviled, beings of nightmares who's magic threatens tears in the fabric of the universe. Fortunately 'mancers are rare, but the magic infused crystals allowing anyone access to 'mancy as a street drug costs lives. Magic has two sides, flex and flux. Flex is the m...
There’s something about urban fantasy. While scifi looks to the future and high fantasy escapes to a different realm, urban fantasy finds enchantment in the everyday and transforms it into pure magic. And Flex takes it to a new level. In the world that Steinmetz creates, magic is born of single-mind...
Tedious sentence structure and a meandering plot made this a nightmare to get through. So I stopped trying.DNF
Excellent first novel! Actually just excellent novel period. And Ferrett is a super awesome person. But that's not why you just read this. You should read it because he's written a book about interesting, flawed people and an unusual magic system that's not quite like any other book I've read.
Excellent first novel! Actually just excellent novel period. And Ferrett is a super awesome person. But that's not why you just read this. You should read it because he's written a book about interesting, flawed people and an unusual magic system that's not quite like any other book I've read.