by Maya Banks
Ok, here goes, I'm going to review here for both books, no point going back. I liked these books. They had a formula that we have all seen, you know the one, been there done that. What I liked about these books aside from them being what we have all read before was the three guys. I love a series th...
Homeless and on the recovery side of a past addiction Bethany is a game changer for Jace and his chosen lifestyle. As always with Maya Banks the sex is hot with beautiful and demanding men. I am becoming more and more surprised, in a good way, with the twists in Maya’s books. The unexpected is a gr...
2.5, maybe 3 starsFrom the other reviews, I'm in the minority here. I'm not gushing over this book. Yeah... I really wanted to like this book, and it was a decent read. But it didn't GRAB me like Maya's and Gabe's story did in book 1. It's not a bad book... it probably deserves a 3 star rating, beca...
I really enjoyed this story. I think I like the hero Jace more than I liked Gabe in Rush. Yes, Jace had his moments where he was a jerk to Bethany but he mostly said stupid things in anger where Gabe put Mia into bad situations. Bethany was sweet but was strong in the sense that she overcame her pas...