Fight Club
9781428157347 (1428157344)
Publish date: 2008
Publisher: Recorded Books
Edition language: English
There was no denying the pull to this story for me. Because I've seen the movie, I knew pretty much what was going to happen, but it's just such a train wreck that I couldn't possibly look away. Sad when you think of it in the mental illness light, but amazing piece of writing for sure. 4+ stars
I will start this review off by suggesting that there is so much in this book that it deserves an entire blog post to itself, however I don't want to actually write one now because I would like to watch the film again. Unfortunately I just don't have enough time this weekend to simply put a couple o...
I liked reading this book, it was fun, darkly funny and hypnotic to read. Apparently while Chuck Palahniuk was writing this book, he had the album The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails on repeat and Trent Reznor the singer from Nine Inch Nails had the film Fight Club on repeat while he was writing ...
Der Beginn Tyler besorgt mir einen Job als Kellner, und dann schiebt mir Tyler eine Pistole in den Mund und sagt, als ersten Schritt zum ewigen Leben musst du sterben. Lange Zeit waren Tyler und ich jedoch die besten Freunde. Ich werde ständig gefragt, ob ich über Tyler Durden Bescheid gewusst habe....
I saw the movie several years ago. I am going to assume most people have seen the movie, and know what the deal is, and I'm going to write this review with that assumption, so here is your chance to stop reading. I was not expecting a nice story. I was expecting something that messes with one'...