by A. Meredith Walters, Madeleine Lambert
I'm sorry.. I tried.. I tried.. but I simply can't do it... This one is a DNF at 49%... I'll try to explain myself (with helping quotes): "Had there ever been two people loved each other as much as we did? I couldn't put into words the way we felt about each other" "You are everything. To me your'...
♥♥♥ 4 Cray-Cray stars ♥♥♥ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●“The most perfect memories are the ones too painful to forget.”● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● After finishing reading this book, I still don't know what to think. This book was a wild ride. It was som...
“I needed Clay as much as he needed me. We existed in this symbiotic relationship where our hearts beat and our lungs breathed only for each other.” This is a story about a girl who wants to break free and experience life; to feel passionate about something, anything or anyone.Then she meets him.All...
This book starts off with a prologue reminiscent of the opening lines of Romeo and Juliet, not because the main characters die but because it announces immediately that this book isn't light and frilly and carefree but that it’s tragic and bloody and neurotic (or so it promises). I think what really...
It's very hard to sum up in words how I feel about Find You in the Dark. The cover of this book along with it's subject matter just kept calling to me so finally I relented and purchased it only to discover how incredibly amazing this book was. I'd like to give A. Meridith Walters some major props f...
… everything had started so simply.A look. A touch.A kiss. Find You In The Dark was raw, beautiful, and soul-moving. I was so emotionally invested that every up and down, every emotion each of the characters expressed, I felt. Maggie Young has had the closest you can get to a perfect life. Great fri...
3WOOOOOOOWCuando empecé a leer este libro en absoluto me esperaba lo que me terminé encontrando .Empieza como todas las novelas románticas de hoy en día ...La chica conoce al chico más hermoso y misterioso y oso del colegio y hace lo posible por hacerse amiga . El chico , aunque reacio al principio ...
Putting on-hold.... FOREVER!
4.5 stars. Maggie is your average high school senior with a seemingly perfect life, and it's boring her to death. That is until she literally bumps into Clayton Reed, the new guy in school."What the hell?" The guy growled, stooping to pick up the items he had dropped in our bodily fender bender..."O...