Fiona Buckley
Birth date: January 01, 1937
Fiona Buckley's Books
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The prologue hints that the story will be a flashback. Peggy is nearly eighty years old in 1860. She reflects back to 1800 and how she met and fell in love with Ralph Duggan. Of her memories, she narrates, “There are two nights that I recall especially. On both of them, the moonlight was so brig...
DNF @ 25% Reasons I gave up: "As you know, Bob" dialogue Modern attitudes Too many characters but none I care about NOTHING happening Too many books, too little time I received this book through NetGalley. Opinions are my own.
I only started this book knowing it was the final (so far) book in a series. I had come this far, I wasn't going to give up now. It's a good thing I didn't. This book managed to redeem the horrible writing that plagued the previous three. I am hoping the author is ending this series here.
The development of Ursula throughout this series is really starting to show. I am enjoying seeing it happen. My biggest problem with the first three or four books was Ursula's constant pining. It seemed she was always whining about Matthew and how much she needed to sleep with him. Once Matthew was ...
This was hands down the best book in the Ursula Blanchard series (so far). I didn't have to waste time reading pages and pages of Ursula whining about a man. At this point in her life, Ursula has finally found herself a level headed husband who doesn't spend his spare time plotting against Elizabeth...