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This is the first book in the Quickening Trilogy. I happened to read some other reviews before I started writing my own (which I rarely do), but honestly, I don't see why they are all so negative. I mean, this is far from the best book I've ever read but still I enjoyed reading it. (I've read tons...
I am so disappointed in this book and its sequel (and I'm assuming will be equally disappointed w/ the third one, but hey, I spent the money on it, I'm going to read it.)First off, a glowing recommendation by Robin Hobb, author of TWO of my favorite fantasy trilogies (Farseer, Tawny Man). What a dam...
Wyl Thirsk is brought to the royal palace to learn about being the next leader of the army and companion to the crown prince. His father and the King are friends. However the prince is looking for power and is willing to do anything to get that power. He doesn't get on with his father and can't w...
Terrible, TERRIBLE series. I was silly enough to buy all three books at once and so i read (or skimmed when i just could not take it anymore) the whole series. 0/5 . I'd give it less if i could. I recommend it to no one. Ever.