by Kendall McKenna
This book was boooooooring!This second book is written from Kellans POV and although he and Jonah were kind of cute together, that is about as positive as I can be about this book. Oh and the sex was okay. I was really grateful that this book was just as short as the first book, so I only struggled ...
3.5 "All Parts of Me Salute All Parts of You" Stars Okay, I should probably be upfront about the fact that I consumed almost an entire bottle of wine while reading Kendall McKenna’s Fire for Effect (what?! Don’t look at me like you’ve never done it!), and my recollections of what I liked/didn’t lik...
This is the sequel to [b:Brothers In Arms|17284064|Brothers In Arms (Recon Diaries, #1)|Kendall McKenna||19092070]. I loved the first book and I adored this one. It was hotter and definitely sappier without being over the top or los...