by Stacey Marie Brown
A riveting continuation of The Darkness of Light!In Fire In The Darkness Brown gives readers a concise history of Otherworld and its inhabitants. We even get a couple of surprisingly helpful Pixies.The characters in this book are more developed. The main character, Ember, is not just a Dae anymore. ...
And when I thought Ember and her story couldn't get any better. Then this happened. Poor Ember. While she IS a badass, she can just never catch a break. Someone always wants her dead and she's never free to just BE. She's always under someone's thumb. I'm starting to wonder how long this'll last. ...
Rating: 5 out of 5 starsFire in the Darkness Review of Fantasy(3rd Review for August)While often reading the first book in a sequel, it’s spell binding but the second book in a sequel always lacks something, maybe we love learning about the worlds we are about to jump into, bending our heads to see...