Fire Song
Format: hardcover
9780727840417 (072784041X)
Publish date: January 1st 1991
Publisher: Severn House Publishers
Edition language: English
Series: Medieval Song (#2)
More Catherine Coulter re-read for me. I think of all her books, Fire Song and Secret Song are my favorites. But I really would not recommend this book to anyone as a romance novel. It is a story with a lot of sexual actions. Typical of Coulter. In a medieval setting, her typical asshole and cruel h...
Bu yorum aynı zamanda Romancekolikte yayınlamıştır. Bu yorumu pek sevgili kuzenim Esra'ya ithaf ediyorum. Öncelikle serinin ilk kitabını almıştım elime. Seksen sayfa kadar okudum. Daha başlarda erkek karakter sandığım adam kızı alıkoydu, evlenmeye zorlamak için annesi ve kardeşinin yerini söylettirm...
I'm not going to rate this because I skimmed, though I did read fairly substantial chunks of it. (All the good parts... or conversely, the bad parts.) My impression is that there's a lot of angsty-goodness, but I'm not sure the anguish/payoff ratio makes the game worth the candle. It makes an impres...
I really enjoyed this book – and before everybody gets upset because the lead is and ass and barbaric - do you remember this is Medieval Times. I think the author did a good job not making it to upsetting, but got the point across. It was so much better then the first book in the series – I thought ...
What a great story! I laughed and cried many times! Such wonderful writing and really engaging characters!! I love this authors work!!I am currently on a Regency kick and this one was terrific!!