Genre: LGBT Steampunk Crimean war veteran-turned-newspaper editor Gareth Charles finds himself embroiled in the blackest side of the new Reform government when he investigates a string of arsons in the snowbound colonial outpost of New Eddington. After saving Firewalker Thomas Cole from the...
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Genre: LGBT Steampunk Crimean war veteran-turned-newspaper editor Gareth Charles finds himself embroiled in the blackest side of the new Reform government when he investigates a string of arsons in the snowbound colonial outpost of New Eddington. After saving Firewalker Thomas Cole from the latest blaze, the two men find themselves in possession of a deadly secret -- and falling in love. Fugitives from justice, they must unravel the terrifying mystery before there's no New Eddington left to save. As the firebug's evil plan comes to fruition, the two veterans realize the only things worth saving might just be each other.
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Format: paperback
9781611183825 (1611183820)
Publish date: January 20th 2012
Publisher: Loose Id, LLC
Pages no: 242
Edition language: English
In my summer vacations I tried... insist... tried more... but in the end gave up very close to the end... it was just a few pages but I notice how I struggle to get there and decided to gave up. So yeah, 2 stars and unfortunately it's not for me.