by Henning Mankell
bookshelves: mystery-thriller, re-read Read in December, 2008, read count: 2 Vanity, my dear, all is vanity ... and hacking of course.Wallander (pronounced 'var-LAND-ah') is a nihilist detective and this anarchaic and murderous tale frames his personality well. I love it that the ending was not ...
Vanity, my dear, all is vanity ... and hacking of course.Wallander (pronounced 'var-LAND-ah') is a nihilist detective and this anarchaic and murderous tale frames his personality well. I love it that the ending was not all down pat - there were events that could not be explained. Check out the town ...
This is the last novel featuring Kurt Wallander as the main character. Mankell has written another book but with Linda Wallander as the lead character. In this last novel, we follow Wallander has he battles a group determined to bring new order to the world through chaos. Homicidal teenagers, back s...