by Connor Wright
@dreamspinners: And just in time for dessert, we have tonight's #tweetaway. "First Flight" by Connor Wright is free for the next hr! 9pm EST 11/17/14
Ok, this book is a challange for me to rate. I liked some things about it, it wasn't your typical shifter book, it's not really a shifter story at all, the "mystical" and unclear explanation as to how Chris came to be was fine, I am glad it wasn't "over explained". I liked Chris and seeing how he st...
weird story that needed tight editing
DNF at 68%First Flight is a book that, with some tighter editing, could have been great.One thing that was obvious to me as I was reading this book was that Connor Wright has alot of potential. This story has a fresh concept and a different take on shifters. Chris is a raven who suddenly finds himse...