by Christopher Koehler
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I'm surprised to report that I enjoyed this story. True to its title, its first impression on me was not so great; I didn't really care for either MC and wasn't sure if I was even rooting for them to get together. Furthermore, they don't meet until the 5th or 6th chapter/maybe 15% into the book.Howe...
3 stars. Didn't like it at first, but it was an enjoyable read in the end. :) Characters were fleshed out well and presented some interesting neuroses. Full(er) review here.
This book was unusual for me as my opinion kept changing. One minute I was loving it, the next I wasn't so sure. In summary, I did enjoy the story and it's laugh-out-loud moments but a little more loving would have raised it just a notch.The strengths of the book were the wonderful range of characte...
First up, this is gay fiction not m/m romance although a romance is at the heart of the book."First Impressions" is one of the best books I've read this year. There is so much going for it, if you drop your prejudices, look beneath the surface and think about what the author is saying.It makes a num...
Very fun read, in some parts it didn't flow very well but all in all its a good book.
Good m/m romance about a former porn star (now a mostly respectable businessman) who makes a terrible first impression on the store clerk he finds attractive. Of course, the store clerk is simultaneously making a terrible first impression on him, too... and things don't really improve between them f...
First Impressions is a contemporary adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that follows the main character Cameron Jameson as he deals with e very peculiar “Mr. Darcy” in this story named Henry Hughes. Cameron comes from a wealthy family and after he reached 19 he decided to leave that wealth behind him ...
I really don't like giving less than my standard 3-stars rating. Honestly. Not because I want to spare the author's feeling, but because I think whatever attempt to actually create/produce something should be commended somehow. Even with movies, I apply the same thing. So, it pains me to give this 2...