by Sean Michael
It was sweet, adorable, and completely unlike any Sean Michael I'd ever thought would exist.I thought the babies were rather too sentient, but other than that, it wasn't bad.But omg Peter is such a woman sometimes, what with his damsel in distress thing sometimes and the "Oh, protect me, big strong ...
The sugar coma is always worth itI have read this book at least ten times and EVERY FREAKING TIME it melts my sugar greedy heart. Every time. I am a sucker for books with kids in them as most people know but that doesn't mean I love all books with kids. This book, however, hits all of my happy happy...
2 men, 2 babies, a ranger house, and lots of sweetness.
I know better...and I did it is my own fault. If you feel like needing to go to the dentist to get each of your teeth filled, this is the book for you.