by Laurelin Paige
3.5Hace tiempo que tenía ganas de leer una novela erótica así. Sadomasoquista, 'ofensiva' (a medias, porque si fuese realmente OFENSIVA, no me hubiera gustado en absoluto), violenta, un poco impredecible y demás, pero súper entretenida. Muy similar a [b:Bang|21459365|Bang (Black Lotus, #1)|E.K. Blai...
Emily Wayborn hasn’t heard from her former best friend Amber in seven years. But Emily knows that something is wrong when she gets a message from Amber with the safe word that they agreed on years ago when they both were young and carefree. But Emily manages to change her life and is now she is a (v...
Wow! Where to begin with the story....I could NOT put this book down. This story was THAT good. Emily Wayborn has led a very interesting life. In her early years, her and her best friend Amber used to find wealthy men to "take care" of them in exchange for sex. After a few a huge confrontation ...
FGMAMTC Blog Review + ExcerptWhile reading this book, I was unable to function with real life. It's so mysterious and consuming, I'm having trouble not feeling lost without it even now.The cast is painted in a real light, the good and bad, like real people, but nothing about them is average. I lov...