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Flashforward (Audio) - Community Reviews back

by Robert J. Sawyer, Mark Deakins
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SilverThistle rated it 11 years ago
Robert Sawyer always finds great stories to write about. His ideas always draw me in and I think I'm in for a fantastic tale. Then I reach the end and I feel like it could have been more.Flashforward had a great pull - See your own life 20 years into the future for 2 minutes and try to work out how ...
Ladyboheme rated it 11 years ago
No puedo más con este libro, no me engancha, me aburre, los diálogos me resultan falsos e irrisorios, y la narración bastante extraña. Como no me apetece leer por obligación, lo dejo.
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 12 years ago
Honestly I wasn't all that impressed. Much like the TV series where I saw the first episode or two and then lost interest, I really didn't connect with any of the caracters and the ending left me a bit cold. It's not a bad story, what happens when people blank out and see a glimpse of their lives ...
A Man With An Agenda
A Man With An Agenda rated it 12 years ago
The television show might have fizzled out after four or five episodes (limping through a whole diminishing season after nonetheless), but it still made for a better experience than this book.Truly poor writing, chock full of clumsy exposition (a woman has collapsed in front of her 3D computer monit...
futurista rated it 12 years ago
After reading Paul Jones' time travel novel, Towards YesterdayTowards Yesterday (which is about what would happen if the whole world time traveled 20 years into the past), I had to read Flashforward (which is about what would happen if the whole world time traveled 20 years into the future). I'd se...
Seitenrascheln rated it 13 years ago
Nachdem ich die TV-Serie „Flash Forward“ gesehen hatte, die ja leider nach der ersten Staffel wieder abgesetzt wurde, interessierte mich auch das Buch, auf dem die Serie lose basiert. „Lose“ ist hier wirklich das Stichwort, denn im Buch geht es hauptsächlich um den Physiker Lloyd Simcoe, der am CERN...
hystericalcheezit rated it 13 years ago
I remember when I had to choose between "Flash Forward" and "The Vampire Diaries". Of course TVD won out, and lasted longer, but, damn, I was in love with FF without even watching it. I want to read this damn book, yes, yes, YES.
Nessa's Thoughts
Nessa's Thoughts rated it 13 years ago
The TV adaptation of Flash Forward became something of a phenomenon a few years ago. Clever marketing campaigns hyped it up beyond belief (at least in the UK), and all my friends were talking about it. I never watched a single episode, but a friend did tell me about it in great detail – everyone in ...
Tesseract Thoughts
Tesseract Thoughts rated it 13 years ago
I picked this up on the premise from the TV show, but didn't like the show, so wasn't sure about the book. The book is *much* better. This is a hard-science, speculative, interesting story about an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider that causes humanity to experience a little over 2 minutes of...
Dispatches from Terabithia
Dispatches from Terabithia rated it 14 years ago
I hate to say this.... because I know I'll catch a lot of flak for it, but.... this is one case where the TV series really is better than the book.This is not to say that the book is bad. It's sorta average, a quick read with a lot of physics made very easily understandable by the layman, which is a...
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