by Khanh Ha
Flesh is quite a work of historical fiction. I know very little about Vietnam and its history. I basically have a limited knowledge of the war in Vietnam and that's about it. Khanh Ha has really brought turn of the century Annam (now Vietnam) to life. Tai's story is shocking and poignant. To see you...
3.5/5review later
I took the longest time to read this book. While I finish a book in a day or two at the most, I read this one over a period of a week. No, not because it was boring, not because it was dragging and certainly not because it was easy to put down. The only reason I forced myself to put down this book a...
Moody and almost dreamlike, Flesh is a luscious read. Khanh Ha does a fantastic job of describing the sights and smells of Tonkin. I'd never eaten the food described or smelled opium before but now I feel that I have. The sensory details made this book come alive for me.I also enjoyed the bones of t...
You can read more reviews at Books For YA!After I read Flesh, I honestly don't know how I'm going to review it. I'm not a big fan of historical fiction ever since high school because it tends to bore me whenever I read them. But Flesh is different than any historical novels that I read.From the very...
From the title, readers might guess that Khanh Ha's first novel, Flesh, will be of a visceral nature.And from the cover image, with a young woman's neck and shoulders and long braid disappearing into wafts of smoke, readers will suspect a romantic tale.Once they learn that it takes place in turn-of-...
Khanh Ha’s Flesh starts off gory – with a beheading. Following closely on its heels is a smallpox plague, and more death. Tai is only a boy when he witnesses the first and survives the second. Told in a spare yet emotional voice, Flesh then takes us along as Tai grows up and does everything he can t...