by Ashlyn Chase
Going to have to DNF this. In 50 pages we already have 3 would be villains. The story line seems really rushed as if I'm reading a novella and not a novel and the last line I read just hit the wrong chord for me. The blurb has so much potential :(*DNF so no rating.
My Rating:3 stars: Liked it, but I had some issues - recommend (B)Full Review: Under a Full Moon is what I would classify as “chic-lit.” Although it is paranormal romance, the overall feel is very silly and light, the h...
Published on drey's library: haven’t picked up an Ashlyn Chase novel in a while, not since The Werewolf Upstairs – and Flirting Under a Full Moon sounded like it would be fun and sassy, so I thought I’d give h...
Originally published on Romancing the Dark Side:Welcome to Boston Uncommon...the bar where everybody knows you're supe!Brandee Hanson is an aspiring photographer working as a waitress at a local bar, Boston Uncommon. She's recently recovering from a bad breakup and has sworn off men for the time bei...
Reviewed by: Rabid ReadsThis is my second go at reading a book by Ashlyn Chase and I’ve come to the conclusion that her brand of humour just isn’t for me. Her flaky characters, unrealistic relationship progression and unfocused plot make me feel like I’m reading under the influence. Flirting Under A...