by Wayne Simmons, Michael Kramer
Irish zombies? Bring it! This is another good one! Nothing fancy with this one and there's no Hollywood treatment, just honest to goodness rotting foulness and the rising dead causing havoc. I don't really know much about Irish politics, apart from what I've seen on the news over the years, us...
This book was good. This book is an adult book which is unusual for me to read. I thought it was a y.a but after reading the first chapter, I realized it was an adult book.The cover is terrifying and I can't look at to long or I get really creeped out. The book is basically about a zombie apocalypse...
3.5 starsFlu was one of those indie zombie books that was just decent. Nothing really special but yet very addictive. The only problems I really had were some spelling errors, not enough explanation why and how the flu makes you into a zombie and that basically all the main characters drop dead lik...
Please find my review here:
I thought this was an excellent book. A selection of stories that came together as it went along. I got completely hooked just before half way into the book and couldn't put it down. When I started this book I wasn't sure as there are so many Zombie novels out there I thought this one would be nothi...
This was a book that as soon as I received I start reading it. It is a theme I enjoy and it was a small book. All good qualities... It was my first book of this new author (not suprising since he's got only one other book called Drop Dead Gorgeous).This book had an interesting concept of how the zom...